Sock thing

Sock thing
Floppy dog

Monday, 22 November 2010

Item of the week...

I'm hoping that this is my £43 000 000 vase...but somehow I'm thinking it might not be so am continuing my day job. Tis a lovely greeny blue though like the sea on a murky day in November.

And there is's the fantastic
Saltaire Vintage Home and Fashion Fair 
Saturday 4th December
at Victoria Hall, Victoria Road, Saltaire BD18 3JS
9.30am - 4pm
Tickets £3 on the door or £2 (concessions)

There will be 40 stalls of vintage loveliness including Victoria's Vintage Kitchen and nice music and cake and people generally being happy and cheerful and friendly. Do come....

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Kitsch for the Kitchen

I am concerned that as I'm getting older I'm drawn to pottery animals. I previously thought they were a bit naff but lately I've begun admiring them on flea markets and then I went a stage further and bought this Hilda Ogdenesque bird that now hangs on my kitchen wall. What is going on there then? Anyway I'm just taking my rollers out then I'm popping to the market for half a pound of tripe. TTFN